Lose 20 Pounds Quickly

This is the ardent wish of so many chubby women, that it should start worrying us. While I do agree that a well-thought weight loss system can give great results in the race of losing weight, I think we shouldn't expect wonders in terms of the speed of this process. Naturally, we accumulate weight over several years, sometimes as many as 10-15. Stopping this process and reversing the trend cannot happen overnight without causing major health troubles for the person in question. Ladies, do you want your skin to hang? Next time you'll want to get rid of 20 pounds in two days, close your eyes and try to imagine an old elephant. See the skin, the wrinkles, like a coat which has become too large for its owner. If you manage to lose all that weight so quickly, you'll soon be wishing for wrinkle-removal surgery. Add some stretch marks in the equation and you'll have the whole picture of your desire. I can bet this is not the outcome you wanted when you thought to lose as much weight as you can before the next weekend comes.

Are you still sure that you want to lose 20 pounds that fast?

How to Lose 20 Pounds and Stay Healthy

Losing weight is a general sign of diseases, a warning that something is going wrong in your body. I remember, before my mother was diagnosed with cancer, she was constantly losing weight for one year or so, ending up by losing 20 pounds or even 30 in a short period of time, like weeks. At that time, she was happy for that steady weight loss, because she was a fat woman for half of her life. After she gave birth to the second child, she never managed to be slim again, despite all those diets, herbs, teas and workouts she tried on a cyclic basis. She even considered liposuction Dallas being an area with very good doctors and weight loss surgical centers.

However, sometimes it is possible to lose weight and stay healthy, but this requires a discipline and a self-control degree which is not so easy to be attained. You have to be aware that no fast weight loss can be healthy and non-reversible, like losing 20 pounds in two days and maintain that loss for the rest of your life.

How Hard Is It to Lose 20 Pounds?

If you need to lose 20 pounds, chances are that you are either an obese person trying to make the burden a bit easier for your internal organs, bones and joints, or you are an overweight one trying to get to normality again, before it is too late.

Wonderslim diet reviews state that one can lose 20 pounds over a determined timeframe, which can prove to be impossible by using other methods, especially if you are not gifted with a strong will, or if you lack the motivation of losing weight. In such a case, you'd never be able to establish a new lifestyle ad stick to it for long term, maybe for the rest of your life.

On the contrary, if you are determined to pursue your goals, and if you are strongly motivated, either by health problems or by lack of self-esteem issues, the loss of 19 - 20 pounds would be a children's play for you. Mindset is very important in the mechanism of getting rid of the extra pounds which make the difference between a fat duck and a slim, elegant swan.

20 Pounds Weight Losing Challenges

Temptations and cravings will be the monsters that will haunt your weight loss attempt, if not from the very beginning, at least after a week or two. Taking into consideration that you'd have to eliminate alcohol consumption from your diet, it would be very difficult for you to hang out with friends and drink only water, soft drinks being also forbidden, if you want to lose weight.

The wish of weighing yourself ten times a day, in order to see some progress, would eventually lead to depression and lack of motivation, because our weight is variable during a day's time, so you won't be able to see any positive trend of your struggle.

Changing the way you cook, or even starting to cook, could be an impediment in your weight loss journey. Not all restaurants can help you eat diet foods, so you may be forced to prepare your meals yourself if you want to make sure that you respect the diet. For example, salt is the enemy of weight loss, so it is advisable to diminish its consumption very much, or even eliminate it for good, if you can bear the taste of non salty food.

Having to buy new clothes could be a hard challenge for your budget. At 20 pounds of weight lost, there are chances that none of your actual clothes fit you anymore. Of course buying new outfits is always a pleasure, but if you're short on budget, you might end up in frustration.

In conclusion, think very well before starting your 20 pounds weight loss program.